26 Powerful Prayer Points Before Going To Bed

Prayer Points Before Going To Bed
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  1. Prayer Points Before Going To Bed
    1. A Prayer of Protection
    2. A Prayer for Guardian Angels
    3. A Prayer for the Armor of God
    4. A Prayer To Break Strongholds
    5. A Prayer for Binding Evil Forces
    6. A Prayer for Mind and Thoughts
    7. A Prayer of Cleansing and Purification
    8. A Prayer of Shielding Family and Loved Ones
    9. A Prayer to Break Curses
    10. A Prayer for Restoration and Renewal
    11. A Prayer of Gratitude
    12. A Prayer for Forgiveness
    13. A Prayer for Guidance
    14. A Prayer for Peaceful Sleep
    15. A Prayer for Family
    16. A Prayer for Strength
    17. A Prayer for Wisdom
    18. A Prayer for Healing
    19. A Prayer of Graciousness
    20. A Prayer for Courage
    21. A Prayer for Joy
    22. A Prayer for Faith
    23. A Prayer for Love
    24. A Prayer for Patience
    25. Protection from Nightmares
    26. Surrender
  2. What is the prayer to say before going to bed?
  3. What Bible verses to pray before bed?
    1. Psalm 4:8 (NIV)
    2. Proverbs 3:24 (NIV)
    3. Psalm 91:11 (NIV)
    4. Psalm 121:8 (NIV)
    5. Philippians 4:7 (NIV)
  4. What is the powerful bedtime prayer for protection?
  5. Frequently Asked Questions
    1. Why is it essential to have prayer points before going to bed?
    2. What are some suggested prayer points before going to bed?
    3. How can bedtime prayers positively impact sleep quality?
    4. Can bedtime prayers help alleviate anxiety or worries?
    5. Should bedtime prayers be scripted or spontaneous?
    6. Is it important to include thanksgiving in bedtime prayers?
    7. Can bedtime prayers include specific requests for the next day?
    8. How long should bedtime prayers typically last?
    9. Can bedtime prayers involve praying for others, not just oneself?
    10. Is there a specific structure for bedtime prayers, or can they be flexible?
  6. Conclusion

As believers, we recognize that the night holds a unique spiritual significance, and various forces may operate during these hours. The Bible acknowledges the existence of spiritual realms and encourages believers to be vigilant.

Ephesians 6:12 reminds us, “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.”

Particularly during the vulnerable moments of rest, spiritual attacks may manifest. Hence, it is paramount for believers to engage in nightly prayers, committing the darkness to God’s protective hands.

Psalm 91:5-6 reassures us, “You will not fear the terror of the night, nor the arrow that flies by day, nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness, nor the plague that destroys at midday.”

By dedicating the night to God through prayer, believers seek divine protection and invoke the presence of the Holy Spirit. This spiritual practice not only safeguards our physical rest but also fortifies our minds and souls against unseen forces.

Also taking a moment to appreciate God before bedtime holds profound significance in the life of a believer. It is an intimate and sincere act of gratitude for the safety and blessings experienced throughout the day.

The practice of thanking God before sleep is rooted in recognizing His constant presence, guidance, and protection.

As we reflect on the events of the day, expressing gratitude becomes a powerful way to acknowledge God’s hand in our lives. The Bible encourages a spirit of thanksgiving, as seen in

Psalm 92:1-2: “It is good to give thanks to the Lord, to sing praises to your name, O Most High; to declare your steadfast love in the morning, and your faithfulness by night.”

Prayer Points Before Going To Bed

As the day ends and things get quiet, bedtime becomes a special time to talk to God. It’s when we think about our day, say thanks for the good stuff, and find comfort in praying.

Before sleeping, prayers are like whispers in the dark. They’re our way of sharing what we hope for, what worries us, and what we want, asking God to help and keep us safe.

Prayer points before going to bed is a gentle conversation with the Divine. They provide a space to reflect on the day’s blessings, express gratitude, and seek guidance for the journey ahead.

Every prayer we say is like a light showing us different parts of life, making us feel peaceful and safe before we fall asleep.

A Prayer of Protection

A Prayer of Protection


Ask God to protect your mind, body, and heart from anything bad or negative that might try to bother you spiritually.

Prayer: “God, keep me safe from anything bad or that might hurt me. Put Your special shield around me to protect me.”

When we ask for protection, we invite God to keep us safe from anything that might hurt us spiritually. It’s like having a shield that stops bad things from affecting us.


A Prayer for Guardian Angels

A Prayer for Guardian Angels

Ask God to send angels to watch over you and the places around you while you sleep at night.

Prayer: “Send Your angels, Lord, to watch over me through the night, guarding me from all harm.”

When we ask for guardian angels, we’re saying we believe God helps us by sending special angels to watch over everything around us. It’s like having someone always looking out for us and keeping things safe.


A Prayer for the Armor of God

A Prayer for the Armor of God

Put on the spiritual armor (Ephesians 6:10-18) to withstand any spiritual warfare or attacks.

Prayer: “Clothe me with Your spiritual armor, Lord, to stand against any spiritual attacks or forces.”

When we ask for God’s armor, it’s like getting ready for spiritual fights. It helps us stay strong and not get hurt easily.


A Prayer To Break Strongholds

A Prayer To Break Strongholds

Ask God to help you get rid of any bad things or feelings that might be making life hard for you spiritually.

Prayer: “Break every stronghold and negative influence in my life, Lord. Let Your light dispel all darkness.”

When we pray against strongholds, we’re asking for help to get rid of things that make life hard. It’s like asking God to bring light into our lives and make things better.

A Prayer for Binding Evil Forces

A Prayer for Binding Evil Forces

Bind and rebuke any evil forces or negative spirits that might seek to disturb your rest or peace.

Prayer: “I bind and rebuke every evil force seeking to disrupt my peace. May Your power prevail.”

Binding evil forces means asking God to use His power to stop bad things from affecting you. It’s like putting up a strong shield against anything that might cause harm.

A Prayer for Mind and Thoughts

Ask God to keep your mind safe, your thoughts calm, and your dreams peaceful. Request His help to keep away any bad or upsetting thoughts.

Prayer: “Guard my mind and thoughts, Lord. Bring peace and clarity, banishing all negative or intrusive thoughts.”

When we ask for protection for our minds, it’s like asking for peace. It helps us have a calm and quiet night without anything disturbing us.

A Prayer of Cleansing and Purification

Ask God to clean your heart and mind, removing any bad feelings or thoughts from your life.

Prayer: “Purify and cleanse me, Lord. Remove any negativity or impurity from my life.”

When we ask for spiritual cleansing, we want to be pure inside. It’s like washing away anything bad that might make us feel not so good inside.

A Prayer of Shielding Family and Loved Ones

Ask God to keep your family and the people you love safe, protecting them from anything bad or that might hurt them.

Prayer: “Extend Your protection to my family, Lord. Keep them safe from harm or negative influences.”

When we ask for protection for our loved ones, we’re asking to keep them safe and well. It’s like making sure they’re okay and nothing bad happens to them.

A Prayer to Break Curses

Pray for the breaking of any generational curses or negative patterns that might affect you or your family.

Prayer: “Break any generational curses, Lord, that might affect my life or family. Let Your freedom reign.”

Praying to break curses means asking for freedom from bad things that might affect our lives. It’s like wanting to be free from anything that makes things difficult for us.

A Prayer for Restoration and Renewal

Ask God for restoration, renewal, and healing in any areas of your life affected by spiritual battles or challenges.

Prayer: “Restore and renew me, Lord. Heal any areas affected by spiritual battles or challenges.”

Asking for restoration means wanting God to make things better in parts of our lives that are not so good. It’s like asking for help to feel better and have things improved.

A Prayer of Gratitude

Thank the Lord for the day’s blessings.

Prayer: “Thank You, Lord, for the blessings of this day. I’m grateful for all the good things I experienced.”

Ending the day by saying thank you for the good things you’ve had shows that you’re happy and thankful for the good stuff in your life. It’s like saying, “I’m happy for all the good things I’ve had today.”

A Prayer for Forgiveness

Ask for forgiveness for any wrongdoings.

Prayer: “Forgive me, Lord, for any wrongs I’ve done today. Help me do better tomorrow.”

Asking for forgiveness means wanting to be better and saying sorry for things we did wrong. It helps us feel peaceful inside and have a clean heart.

A Prayer for Guidance

Seek guidance for the upcoming day.

Prayer: “Guide me, Lord, in the day ahead. Help me make good choices and follow Your path.”

Asking for guidance means asking God for help to make good choices and know what to do. It’s like wanting clear direction to make the right decisions.

A Prayer for Peaceful Sleep

Ask for peaceful and restful sleep.

Prayer: “Grant me peaceful and restful sleep, dear God. Let me wake up refreshed and ready for tomorrow.”

Praying for peaceful sleep means asking for a good rest so that you feel refreshed for the next day. It’s like wishing for a calm night to wake up feeling good in the morning.

A Prayer for Family

Pray for the well-being of your family and loved ones.

Prayer: “Bless my family, dear God. Keep them safe and happy, and let our love grow stronger.”

When we pray for our family’s well-being, it shows we care about them. It’s like wanting everyone in the family to be happy and getting along well, making us feel closer together.

A Prayer for Strength

Ask for strength to face challenges.

Prayer: “Grant me strength to tackle challenges, Lord. Help me face difficulties with courage.”

When we ask for strength, it’s like getting ready to face tough times. It helps us stay strong and keep going even when things are hard.

A Prayer for Wisdom

Seek wisdom for decision-making.

Prayer: “Grant me wisdom in decisions, O God. Guide me in making choices that honor You.”

Asking for wisdom when making decisions means asking for help from God to make good choices. It’s like wanting to make the right decisions that are fair and thoughtful.

A Prayer for Healing

Pray for physical, emotional, and spiritual healing.

Prayer: “Heal me, Lord, in body, heart, and soul. Bring peace and restoration to every part of me.”

When we pray for healing, it’s like asking for help to feel better in our body, emotions, and spirit. It’s like asking for comfort and hope to get better.

A Prayer of Graciousness

Ask for a heart filled with grace and compassion.

Prayer: “Fill my heart with grace and compassion, God. Help me treat others kindly and with understanding.”

When we ask for graciousness, it’s like wanting to be kind and understanding towards others. It helps make relationships better and helps people get along.

A Prayer for Courage

Pray for courage to overcome fears.

Prayer: “Grant me courage, O Lord, to face my fears. Help me overcome challenges with bravery.”

Asking for courage means wanting to be brave when things are scary. It helps us feel strong and able to face tough times with confidence.

A Prayer for Joy

Ask for joy and positivity in life.

Prayer: “Bless me with joy and positivity, dear God. Fill my life with moments of happiness and contentment.”

When we ask for joy, we want to feel happy and good about things that happen every day. It helps us have a positive and happy view of life.

A Prayer for Faith

Pray for a deeper faith and trust in God’s plan.

Prayer: “Deepen my faith, Lord, and help me trust Your plan. Guide me even in uncertain times.”

Asking for deeper faith means wanting to trust God more, especially when things are uncertain. It gives us hope and makes us feel more sure about what’s going on.

A Prayer for Love

Seek to love and be loved more deeply.

Prayer: “Help me give and receive love, Father. Fill my heart with love for others and openness to be loved.”

This prayer shows that we want to care for others and have good relationships with them and with God. It helps us feel connected and close to people.

A Prayer for Patience

Ask for patience in dealing with difficulties.

Prayer: Grant me patience in tough times, God. Help me handle difficulties calmly and with understanding.”

When we ask for patience, we want to handle hard times gracefully. It helps us stay strong emotionally when things get tough.

Protection from Nightmares

Pray for protection from nightmares or anxieties.

Prayer: “Protect my sleep from fears and worries, God. Guard my dreams and bring peaceful rest.”

Praying for protection ensures a peaceful sleep shields from anxieties and promotes restful nights.


Surrender the day’s worries and burdens to God.

Prayer: “I surrender my worries to You, O God. Take away my burdens and give me peace.”

We surrender our worries to God so that we can let go of things that bother us and trust that God will help. It helps us feel better and find peace by not worrying about those things anymore.

What is the prayer to say before going to bed?

Dear God, As I prepare to rest, I come to You in prayer. Thank You for this day, for all the blessings, and for Your constant presence.

Watch over me as I sleep, guard me through the night, and protect me from any harm or fear. Grant me peaceful and restful sleep, renew my strength, and prepare me for the day ahead.

Forgive me for any wrongs I’ve done today and help me do better tomorrow. Guide my thoughts and dreams, and may Your peace surround me.

Bless my family, friends, and all those in need. May Your love and grace be with us always.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.”

What Bible verses to pray before bed?

These Bible verses are a guide for every believer who wants to pray before going to bed, these verses are to be meditated after or before prayers.

Psalm 4:8 (NIV)

“In peace I will lie down and sleep, for you alone, Lord, make me dwell in safety.”

Proverbs 3:24 (NIV)

“When you lie down, you will not be afraid; when you lie down, your sleep will be sweet.”

Psalm 91:11 (NIV)

“For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways.”

Psalm 121:8 (NIV)

“The Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore.”

Philippians 4:7 (NIV)

“And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

What is the powerful bedtime prayer for protection?

Heavenly Father, I’m getting ready for bed and I’m asking You to keep me safe tonight. Watch over me and protect me from anything that might hurt me, even if I can’t see it. Send Your angels to be with me while I sleep, so my place is safe and I can rest without any worries.

I know You’re really strong, God, and I trust You to keep me safe from anything bad that might bother me. Make me feel calm and peaceful inside, so I’m not scared or worried.

I’m giving You all the things that make me anxious or worried because I know You’re my safe place. Give me a good sleep so I feel refreshed for tomorrow.

Take care of my family and friends too. Keep them safe just like You keep me safe. Thank You for always looking out for us and loving us so much.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is it essential to have prayer points before going to bed?

Having prayer points before bedtime is crucial as it allows us to align our thoughts with God, seek His guidance, express gratitude, and entrust our concerns to His care before entering a state of rest.

What are some suggested prayer points before going to bed?

Prayer points may include expressions of gratitude for the day, seeking forgiveness, asking for protection during sleep, praying for loved ones, and seeking guidance for the challenges ahead.

How can bedtime prayers positively impact sleep quality?

Bedtime prayers can bring peace of mind, alleviate stress, and create a sense of spiritual well-being. This positive mindset often contributes to better sleep quality and a restful night.

Can bedtime prayers help alleviate anxiety or worries?

Yes, bedtime prayers provide a constructive outlet for expressing concerns, fears, or worries to God. Surrendering these anxieties in prayer can bring a sense of relief and comfort.

Should bedtime prayers be scripted or spontaneous?

Both scripted and spontaneous prayers are valid. Some find comfort in established prayers, while others prefer speaking from the heart. The key is sincerity and a genuine connection with God.

Is it important to include thanksgiving in bedtime prayers?

Yes, expressing gratitude in bedtime prayers is crucial. Thanking God for the day’s blessings fosters a positive mindset, acknowledging His goodness and providence.

Can bedtime prayers include specific requests for the next day?

Absolutely. Bedtime prayers can include requests for guidance, strength, and wisdom for the challenges anticipated in the coming day, trusting God’s provision and guidance.

How long should bedtime prayers typically last?

The duration of bedtime prayers varies based on personal preference. It can be a brief, focused moment or a more extended time of reflection and communication with God.

Can bedtime prayers involve praying for others, not just oneself?

Yes, bedtime prayers are an opportune time to intercede for the well-being of others, including family, friends, and those facing challenges. It reflects a spirit of compassion and interconnectedness.

Is there a specific structure for bedtime prayers, or can they be flexible?

Bedtime prayers can be flexible. Some may follow a structured pattern, while others may prefer a free-flowing conversation with God. The key is authenticity and a genuine connection with the divine.


Talking with God before sleep isn’t just saying words; it’s like tying our souls to a place of peace and strength. When we talk to God in this special way, we feel calm inside, and our worries go away.

It’s like feeling sure that we’re safe and protected, making us sleep peacefully and wake up feeling good in the morning.

These prayers are more than just things we do; they’re like holding onto our faith, love, and safety, making sure we rest peacefully and feel awake and happy in the morning.

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